11 March 2016

Dave Brown - Cartoonist

‘Dave Brown is a British political cartoonist for the Independent newspaper in London’.

Following on from my initial research I began by looking into satrical artists thatt portrayed politics in there work. I decided to look into the work of Dave Brown who does extensive work in the cartoon politics section within The Independent. HIs work in the independant is where the idea stemmed from to create a satirical approach to something we deem to be serious, for e.g News, Politics, MP’s

I looked into some of the work he created and decided to narrow down what I was going to illustrate and how exactly I would be creating it. I used some of his political illustrations as references to show how he exxagerated on things such as body parts and features, mainly  areas such as the cheek bones, nose and chin.

The works of Dave Brown also helped to inspire me when looking into the character creation for my collide project, Reasons behind this being I went on to add more satire to the image and create something that was more humorous.

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