09 March 2016

Lupton: Subliminal Seduction

Lipton's argument is very critical but it does have some positive aspects to it, she attempts to explain how people view things from different perspectives using hermeneutics, which is the exploration of signs and signals. She divides the argument into sections one being critical one being constructive.

The critical phase of the argument explains how it fundamentally relies on the use of the viewer to define the subliminal message, because of how it is interpreted by an audience.

This begins to be constructed within advertising after Bryan Wilsons book subliminal seduction explains the concept behind sexual interpretation. His book is the begins as the construction for this style of advertising, it gets picked up by the advertising industry and only inherited and heard about through media folklore and passed down information it begin a growth. Advertisers then began to grow and conform to this type of advertising and incorporate it within there work.

In the modern industry it shows the process in which we have followed where advertisements have evolved to have much deeper meaning behind them to sell a product. I went on to look into the works of Sigmund Freud and Edward Bernays within my Theory essay which allowed me to understand the way companies began to use psychoanalysis to reach out to a further audience. Upon further research I feel as though the studies work together within the advertising industry. With the works of the likes of Bernay's and Freud coming before the lepton theory it show the likely thought process to how these things panned out. 

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