04 May 2016

Where's Wesley - Cinema 4D

Using my final cinema 4d lesson as a reference I began by testing out 3D texts on the software that could potentially be used to create my 'Where's Wesley' piece more visually pleasing. initial steps began by selecting a font that would stand out but not over power the image it would be over, or parallel with. 'Coolvetica' is a royalty free text that was used in block capitals, there was a slight bit of retouching done within spacing of the letters within the header, also the height and width of the question mark. As stated within previous blogs C4D is not one of my strong points but this was more of just an initial test to see if I could combine medias. The grey on white image was the initial design that I went ahead and edited into the collide piece, I found it difficult to edit and make it feel as though it was part of the backdrop, which can be seen on screen shot below.

My second attempt at creating something that would work slightly better consisted of my using the coloured backdrop that was already on the Collide piece and transferring that into C4D using the correct Hashtag and letter number combination. The use of light blue with white text worked rather well when being combined with the blue background that was already merged down. after initial editing and tweaking of layout I found that the use of a text with an Outer Bevel didn't work as well as I first thought.
To conclude I went back to redesigning and highlighting the type of lettering that would work well with an image that was essentially a 2 Dimensional piece. I went ahead with using the same Font 'Coolvetica' and added effects such as a very subtle drop shadow. I combined that with the use of 2 Coloured rectangles which would create a sort of plaque effect, something that i referenced within the books Wheres Wally. 

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