07 May 2016

Zbrush - First Time

Zbrush is a software that I have decided to start using due to the fact I have been interested in modelling 3D objects for a while, although not something I enjoy doing on a physical level I have always found it interesting digitally. mainly the ways in which characters and designs are made for gaming and filming. The software was hard to come by and initially get to grips with but the creation below for a very first attempt I feel is rather successful.

I began by watching numerous tutorials and reading through some guides on the Pixologic website that helped me grasp the overall layout of things such as tools and the way in which they work. By already being fluent in programmes such as photoshop and illustrator it helped me come to grips with the way things work much quicker. I began by following a simple guide on how to get the forms of a human head correct, then started modelling the shape and forms to create something that resembled an image I had in my head. This broadens on from the use of Cinema 4D due to the fact I feel you are quite limited to what you will and can create.

I am aiming to gain further knowledge within Zbrush by continuing to test myself and create objects and character over time. The Grey figure below being a first step towards what could be a final character or image.

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