02 March 2016

Things to Think About - Fever Tree

Notes: The breakdown of the image above is basically a page of notes where I wrote down the most important things that needed to followed and adhered to. The main word I kept referring back to was elegance and simplicity. This was something I would be trying to uphold throughout.

Things to follow:

“Create beautifully designed limited edition bottles to engage customers and raise money for Malaria No More UK”

We were asked to create or design a set of 4 limited edition bottles that would raise awareness for Malaria no more UK, each bottle would consist of an intertwined yet slightly different design containg a selection of 4 countires within regions most affected by Malaria. They were narrowed down into 5 regions which included areas such as Africa and Southern Asia. 

Our designs had to adhere to the standards and limits set by Fever-Tree which included guidlines stating our work should work to a wrap design that adheres to the current footprint of the 500ml Tonic bottle that was provided. Examples of the bottle within the packs provided also stated that the brand name  and Malaria guidlines and information had to be clearly visible so that the bottle still upheld its clarity and didnt look completley different.

“Whilst each bottle should have its own look  and feel, they also need to look they are from one collection - and part of the same family” 

We were told that the design must be ‘Beautiful and Sophisticated’ within style and not child like in any way. This is one thing I tried specifically to uphold was to Establish the drinks target market. on further instruction we were advised the age we were attempting to entise was between 35-65.  

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