13 November 2015

Layout and Headers - Conversation

I took 30 minutes out of my time to start writing down some headers that would work well with my David Cameron Illustration.  I began by looking into some newspapers, I purchased two to three and looked at how they worded things such as headers sub headers and titles of articles then began by creating my own, Some witty some extremely simple.

I decided to use the ‘Year of the pig’ reference which was easily the one that stood out the most due to the satire of the image and the contraversy surrounding what was currently going on within english politics.
Playing around and sketching out some very quick references to use for the layout was the first steps I made when creating the design. I used simple boxes to keep everything as basic as possible, these would then be followed with information and rough ideas on what to add into each section such as Header and Text.

I decided to use the bottom left layout which would provide me with an extremely rough guide on where my images, text etc would be layed out. Although a very rough guide I tried my best to stick to the layout but did encounter times where things needed to be changed.

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