03 May 2016

Colour Development - Collide

Showing how I initially intended the colour palette to work within my ‘Wheres Wesley’ design. I began by not following a guidline and colouring in a random manner, this was initally because of the reference from town centres and cities and how Individuals are unique, they look and feel different and should have individual colours. The colours ranged from different shades of Orange to purple in order to show individuality. The use of of skin tones became unique in order to follow these steps which upon starting was extremely easy to follow.

When the image was viewed as a whole I felt like the use of colour wasnt something that worked extremely well, it became confusing and wasnt very pleasing on the eye. I went on to research and take reference from the designs of ‘Wheres Wally’ and ‘Running for Crayons’, each of the designs for these two collage designers combined two aspects. They duplicated the single characters, recoloured then reorganised them and also used a single colour palette of around 5-10 shades, skin tones included.

Here you can see where I have update the palette of colours to follow some form of guidelines, this is something I should have followed from the beginning but only came to mind when the image began to grow. Also when I viewed the Andy Baker parklike animation and seen the use of only around 5-6 colours used to great effect.

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