01 February 2016

When I'm A Dad - Deeper Meaning

Within the brief for the collide project we were shown this short video created by Tom Watkins, I found Inspiration from Tom Watkins' works on Vimeo rather deep and meaningful, to link this with the three mediums that we are trying to convey he portrays one of the most life changing things to happen throughout our existence, parenthood.

The main reason I enjoy the project is that it shows the deeper meaning behind the work itself. This could potentially be a project that works exactly the same as ours do within the university expect he has added his own personal objective or motive. This is something I will be attempting within my collide work, I want to create something that can have a deeper meaning than it normally would.

From here I will begin brainstorming ideas that will explain the three themes within the project and how I interpret them.

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