02 November 2015

Buyer Behaviour - Business Lecture

We began by going through processes that designers and companies would encounter, these ranged from how a product would be marketed to using product positioning to gage how an Object or asset would be sold.

The buyer behaviour process Is another theory we looked into with peter that helped us to understand the though process that a customer or client would go through when buying or using a product. The end goal or outcome would be to find your customer at a step called 'Post Purchase Evaluation' and for them to find a need or reason to buy your product again.

Buyer Behaviour Process

Need recognition


Pre purchase evaluationPurchase


Post purchase evaluation (buy again)

Realising that many factors effected the way a product is perceived allowed me to understand how to view my work in a more critical manner.  We then went on to delve into theory's of how wants and Needs are associated with certain things and how necessities come before things we tend to enjoy or purchase for enjoyment or pleasure.

Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs

Physiological - food and water

Safety - shelter

Belongingness - Relationships, family, home

Esteem and Status - Power, respect

Self- Actualisation - Personal values

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