22 April 2015

Form Follows Function

Louis Henry Sullivan defined the style in architecture which expresses simplistic forms of buildings he defines the best architecture as one that can walk the line between Art and Function.

Louis Henry Sullivan, Guaranty Building, 1894.

"The underlying idea behind this philosophy is “efficiency”. Efficiency in materials, space planning and ornamentation provides a way to minimize the cost of construction and increase the profit margin."

Form Follows Function is mainly associated with modern day architecture. the main principal is the building or object should be made into what its intended purpose or function is.
The underlying aspect of this philosophy is efficiency. Whether that be in materials, planning or anything of the equivalent.

I feel as though a good example of form following function is through a device such as a mobile phone. i feel as though in the modern world people will currently see the the aesthetics of an object more important than what it actually does. phones come with many functions to do different things.

An important underlying factor to point out that form does follow function is that aesthetically very manufacturer of phone looks different. purely so that the consumer will purchase it. what the phone does is always the second step as to why you would purchase something 

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