04 April 2016

What is Branding - Mathew Healey

I am Currently undergoing a stage within my career where I am aiming to turn myself into a brand, I read into What is Branding by Mathew Healey to give me a hindsight in to the techniques used when creating a meaningful and well remembered overall image that a consumer will reflect on. Upon reading the book I found three relevant terms most useful for myself to follow, in theory this was three chapters that currently played the most importance on myself, these were storytelling , design and customer relationship.
As a student designer I am actively only in the process of story telling and the design aspect due to the lack of customer relationship needed, from here onwards I am attempting to build my brand starting from things such as overall design (logo, website etc.) to personal motive or aim within the short timescale between now and third year. Between then i want to have already established myself as a creative so that when I do break free from the conforms of university I already have a structure in place to explain my endevours. 

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